欧州宇宙機関のソーラーオービターのアニメーション。 クレジット:ESA / Medialab
最新のソーラーオービターの画像は、前例のない詳細で完全な太陽を示しています。 宇宙船が地球と太陽の間を直接通過していた2022年3月7日に撮影されました。
画像は、太陽のオービターが私たちの世界とその親星の中間にある約7500万キロメートル離れたときに撮影されました。 EUIの高解像度望遠鏡は、非常に高い空間解像度で画像をキャプチャするため、その近距離では、太陽全体をカバーするために25個の個別の画像のモザイクが必要になります。 宇宙船がある部分から次の部分に向けるのにかかる時間を含めて、各部分が約10分かかるため、1枚ずつ撮影された完全な画像は4時間以上にわたって撮影されました。
ソーラーオービターが約7500万kmの距離から極紫外線で見た太陽。 この画像は、2022年3月7日に紫外線イメージング機器(EUI)高解像度望遠鏡によって撮影された25枚の個別の画像のモザイクです。 この画像は、17ナノメートルの波長で、電磁スペクトルの極紫外線領域で撮影されたもので、摂氏約100万度の太陽の上層大気であるコロナを示しています。 2時の位置にあるスケールの地球画像も含まれています。クレジット:ESAおよびNASA/ソーラーオービター/EUIチーム。 データ処理:E。Kraaikamp(ROB)
合計で、 最終画像 9148×9112ピクセルのグリッドに8,300万ピクセル以上が含まれています。 比較のために、この画像の解像度は4KTV画面で表示できる解像度の10倍です。
EUIは、電磁スペクトルの極紫外線領域で、17ナノメートルの波長で太陽を描写します。 これは、太陽の上層大気であるコロナを明らかにします。コロナは、約百万度の温度を持っています。[{” attribute=””>Celsius.
Solar Orbiter took images of the Sun on March 7, from a distance of roughly 75 million kilometres, using its Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment (SPICE) instrument. SPICE takes simultaneous “spectral images” at several different wavelengths of the extreme ultraviolet spectrum by scanning its spectrometer slit across a region on the Sun. The different wavelengths recorded correspond to different layers in the Sun’s lower atmosphere. Purple corresponds to hydrogen gas at a temperature of 10,000°C, blue to carbon at 32,000°C, green to oxygen at 320,000°C, yellow to neon at 630,000°C. Each full-Sun image is made up of a mosaic of 25 individual scans. It represents the best full Sun image taken at the Lyman beta wavelength of ultraviolet light that is emitted by hydrogen gas. Credit: ESA & NASA/Solar Orbiter/SPICE team; Data processing: G. Pelouze (IAS)
At the 2 o’clock (near the image of the Earth for scale) and 8 o’clock positions on the edges of the Sun, dark filaments can be seen projecting away from the surface. These ‘prominences’ are prone to erupt, throwing huge quantities of coronal gas into space and creating ‘space weather’ storms.
In addition to EUI, the SPICE instrument was also recording data during the crossing. These too needed to be pieced together as a mosaic.
SPICE is designed to trace the layers in the Sun’s atmosphere from the corona, down to a layer known as the chromosphere, getting closer to the surface. The instrument does this by looking at the different wavelengths of extreme ultraviolet light that come from different atoms.
Taking the Sun’s temperature. Credit: ESA & NASA/Solar Orbiter/SPICE team; Data processing: G. Pelouze (IAS)
In the SPICE sequence of images purple corresponds to hydrogen gas at a temperature of 10,000°C, blue to carbon at 32,000°C, green to oxygen at 320,000°C, yellow to neon at 630,000°C.
This will allow solar physicists to trace the extraordinarily powerful eruptions that take place in the corona down through the lower atmospheric layers. It will also allow them to study one of the most puzzling observations about the Sun: how the temperature is rising through the ascending atmospheric layers.
Usually the temperature drops as you move away from a hot object. But above the Sun, the corona reaches a million degrees Celsius whereas the surface is only about 5000°C. Investigating this mystery is one of the key scientific objectives of Solar Orbiter.
The images were taken on 7 March, precisely when Solar Orbiter crossed the Sun-Earth line, so the images can be compared with Earth-bound solar instruments and cross-calibrated. This will make it easier to compare results from different instruments and observatories in future.
On March 26, Solar Orbiter reaches another mission milestone: its first close perihelion. The spacecraft is now inside the orbit of Mercury, the inner planet, taking the highest resolution images of the Sun it can take. It is also recording data on the solar wind of particles that flows outwards from the Sun.
And this is just the start, over the coming years the spacecraft will repeatedly fly this close to the Sun. It will also gradually raise its orientation to view the Sun’s previously unobserved polar regions.
Solar Orbiter is a space mission of international collaboration between ESA and NASA.
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